
Gubbling in the Morning

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Well OK. First I do not Apple period. Second, I make do with Windoze, Google and I suppose Microsoft. One reason is I ignore them most of the time. That comes from immersion in independence, which enables me to think about what I do on an ongoing basis.

So all I want to say here, aside from the fact that if you seek converts you are indeed preaching, is that all systems contain a measure of evil because all systems harm someone. We live in a triage environment whether we like it or not. Solutions will remain multiple because we are still a bit free.

In such an environment, if someone refuses the lifting involved in becoming Unix-enabled or bouncing around the servers of the world so no one can find you, more power to them. There are many ways to operate on the Web and you make do with whatever does what you want within the limits of what is there.

It’s that simple. End of peroration.

Stephen C. Rose writes daily. Medium is his drafting board. Kindle his marketplace. You the reader his hopeful supporter. He promotes his thought and art on Twitter and has his own publication on Medium called Everything Comes which any new writer can join on the way to finding his or her way. Drafts of his fiction completed and in progress can be found on Coffeelicious which is also a Medium publication.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!