Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I am taken with the word happiness

Happy Happy Happy

Something about it tells me it’s unique

We should use it more in mantras

I use it in a frequent mantra I composed

“Royal rising

“Freely flying

“Happy landing”

When I get to Happy Landing my face lights up

My mood brightens

I am in an imagined Spirit flight

My earthly situation is modified

It works


Words have immense and untapped power

We all know this

Some words rise up from group consciousness

Like “Woke”

Used by the Right pejorative for being useless

I use it as a commendation

Sometimes nasty usages become positive

“Methodists” were originally the deluded followers of John Wesley

Over time the word became a positive ID for a massive denomination


I work with words

It is my calling

It is my avenue to influence

I pray my influence is good


So happiness has power

It evokes the state and mood that the word itself carries

It is a winner in the direct influence category

Repeating mantras with happy or happiness works

The etymology suggests happy meant luck originally

Good fortune or luck

Also blessed from the Middle English “hap”

I take its present meaning to be what we make it

Our sense gives a word meaning


Such reflections are for me a prod

I shall work with happy and happiness

They are after all the very stuff of beatitude

And I once claimed Jesus was the author of

The Beatitudinal Way

Happy are those who thirst for righteousness

And so forth

I now claim he is the very center of Heaven

Regardless happiness is big for me now

Words are big, huge in fact

So I believe



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!