Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I have fun every day

And if I don’t

I get back to it

It is doing what I enjoy

And joy is always fun


What exactly is fun

Something that

When you are doing it

Makes you happy

Just now I am having fun


Now next fun may have a dash of bliss

Bliss is high sepulchral heavenly

Pretty close

We well might say

To Love

So fun is feeling Joy that’s close to Bliss.

I can imagine myself playing catch games with my building wall

Or better yet with my girlfriend

How ‘bout “Ride upon a one horse open sleigh”

But that’s no fun if you have allergies

So bliss is customized accordingly


I would say fun’s a game

That you design to be just what you like

It helps to think as

Children do

It helps to do just as you end up doing


Fun is close to joy and bliss and Love

That’s where fun and freedom intertwine

If you don’t have fun at “work”

Then let it go somehow

Either leave it or treat it as play

I had fun at jobs that seemed like play

A bit of bliss and joy along the way

Fun is contagious without putting you in bed

Fun is outrageous when the body is let go

You lose all sense of time when in its flow

Initiate it with the words Love Power

Then let it grab your fancy for an hour



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!