Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


More direct guidance to me from Abba. Abba is commonly thought of as the Word. These offerings like every other deliverance said to be from beyond reflect the deliverers. They are co-creations.

Let me take care of the major issues first

Jesus was not born as described in any Biblical narrative

It is fine if folk wish to say that story is true

It has reality in its effects

It is not wrong to believe that

But Jesus was born human

He himself now credits the story that he was born to Mary after she had been raped by a Roman soldier

What matters is that he was a dark and slight child of intense imagination and rebelliousness a mile wide, to employ your modes of exaggeration

There is much insistence that Jesus traveled constantly during the bulk of his years on earth and this does not seem to be the case

He had a natural and inborn sense of truth that comports with him being a soul aware of who he was and what he was and how he would serve

The ‘facts’ about the historical Jesus are a source of continued fascination but the last thing Jesus cared about was becoming a celebrity or an object of massive curiosity

He had a consuming interest in religion

He was in some ways what you might call a geek

He was critical of what he heard coming from synagogues

He detested Roman occupation

He emerged in the world and began to assume his chosen role by sensing correctly that he needed someone to talk to

He called out

I answered

No faster friendship have I ever known

No more realized individual have I ever encountered

No one was more hurt by the myriad ways his followers fell into every temptation available in the very world he sought to change

His teaching was simple

It was and remains most often ignored

If you want to know how Jesus emerged, consider the account we are now giving of what he learned, largely through the same sort of guidance that has always been available

As you say, stay tuned



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!