Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readAug 8, 2021



How do we know death is not the end

We know for countless folk have been to Heaven

And returned to tell us how it was

And how Reality transformed before their eyes


We know because the story is correct

Souls are ourselves. No other story fits

Souls all have aims. Those aims are infinite

Our story is that life is how we loved


Religion is transformed before our eyes

Spirituality not outworn creeds

Unbounded love not old moralities

Changed attitudes not dour communities


The story grows more true as time goes on

Communication grows more provable

Spiritual awakenings more prevalent

Miracles more physical than etheric


The story has more reason as it grows

Growing consensus creates growing truth

More people know that life is more than this

The more is heaven closer day-by-day


The truth is ever clearer year by year

Religion once held keys. Now science does

We’re finding that we all are energy

And each of us has our own frequency


The supernatural is obsolete

Experience defines reality

All souls experience things uniquely

Science has yet to fathom consciousness


Debunkers can argue with these truths

But their ground seems to shrink when they try to

The world is moving to expand its view

It will acknowledge heaven when it’s through


Consciousness will fill the meaning void

It is the foundation of what’s real

It is an opening to all that is

It daily widens our awareness


How do we know that death is not the end

We’re free to say it is if we desire

But I say we live on and on and on

In an adventure that will never cease to be


I have but laid out fragments of the truth

Set forth to beard the lions in their den

The lions are the very ones I cite

I’ll write more verses till I’m satisfied


Ontology can tell us how we know

Reason, logic, truth, reality

Ask yourself what might cause us to be

Ex-nihilo endowed with consciousness


Compelling near death evidence

Is changes that take place upon return

Like balky electronics happenings

And changes in one’s likes and objectives



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!