Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
3 min readOct 9, 2019


In telling the story of Jesus through the eyes of Abba, these offerings are an amazing window into the realities that exist in what I call Heaven. Did you ever think of work as guidance?

When Jesus sought me out I took the roles of loving friend and honest master. The first would grow and never fade. The second would fade as Jesus understood that the function of guidance is to lovingly lead one through a process of realization. Jesus like every other human being enters the world realized but because he has a part to play to which he has agreed, his realization is always the product of two — himself and his guide.

Deep learning from the wellspring of unconditional love is what our relationship became during the early years. He would walk out from Nazareth to a special place he chose. He would gently tap his heart and speak my name. And because I can be in innumerable places at once and speak so all can hear, I always said his name in response, always the same way.


Sometimes our talk was just like people talk. This and that drawn from the events of the day or the thoughts of the previous night or things that festered.

Most times it was also based on explicit recognition of what binds everything.

Jesus valued me. I valued him. Our love was mutual and rock solid.

As Jesus learned of heaven and heaven’s ways, he needed no proof because he had the relationship before he knew most things.

But make no mistake. Our love was and remains tangible, real, significant, necessary. Sustenance is never to be ignored. It is a signature of unconditionality. That is why awareness can occur in no time, and last forever.

Jesus’ earliest questions had to do with Satan. He showed a creditable skepticism, awareness of lies as evil. Deception. False promises. Wonders that never took place. He understood.

I showed him the power of false promises. They could paint a picture of great allure. Behind the image would lurk the face of the biggest lie of all. Satan. The Devil. The source of fear in human beings. The one who is equal to God in power.

Jesus came to understand the massive distinction between Heaven and the image of God as a person among persons. He understood the truth of the burning bush — that God is isness, the Field, Everything.

Reality is all and compassion is its character. It is in all we can identify and meet and touch and know.

God is in everything, as a Force and Source and Mystery. No one can fathom who God is, or when, or where he came from.

The only thing we can infer, and I am among those who do infer, is that without him we would have no existence. Matter would have no existence. There would be nothing.

Jesus understood this. He also came to understand, very soon, that few if any would buy this declension of reality. It was too real. Too true. Too beautiful. It was ringed round with idols. Reality, truth and beauty were reduced and disfigured. And, by most souls on earth, forgotten.

Jesus had no problem with it. “I don’t forget,” he said. “I’m in love with what I see.”

And we were unified. There was no distinction between us.

Unification is the recognition of oneness with everything.

Within this oneness there is only unconditional love.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!