
How Twitter Could Grow — A Simple Notion or Two

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2015


Books KU/KOLL Twitter Bio

REWRITTEN October 19, 2016.

  1. By valuing tolerance, helpfulness and democracy over profits and serving stock holders.
  2. By treating users who work very hard at their craft the honor of being treated as colleagues and not as people to be treated as potential violators of its various and changing rules.
  3. By doing as Google did to reach its preeminent position. Cut users in on the proceeds. How see next entries.
  4. First, by abolishing streams made up of tweets of one’s followers.
  5. Second, by featuring profiles in various categories and sub-categories. If I want to visit the pages of Christian thinkers I should be able to with ease. If I want to visit Christian Universalist thinkers, likewise.
  6. Third, by featuring profile pages as HOME and making each user who qualifies a person with a HOME.
  7. Fourth, by abolishing multiple accounts unless they have a reason that makes sense.
  8. Fifth, by encouraging people to build up their profiles.
  9. Sixth, by enabling users to profit by ads placed Google-like on their profile pages.
  10. Seventh, by encouraging users to advertise on their own pages and on others where they wish their ads to appear.
  11. Eighth, cut users in as both publishers of ads and individual advertisers.
  12. Ninth, follow the general principle that as Twitter grows we all succeed but emphasize that Twitter aims to be a universal generator of positive values.
  13. Tenth, this approach would encourage people who want to make a business of their Twitter site to enlarge their following as they will be paid on the basis of clicks on the ads on their site. It would probably double both membership and followings.
  14. The present approach is adversarial and doomed to bring Twitter down. It is almost suicidal in an era where bright people are starved to participate in an era of increasing impersonal corporatization.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!