Triadic Art — Tolerance, Helpfulness, Democracy

I am for no organization and no leaders.

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I am for no organization and no leaders. I am for the power of words and the force of consensus. I think most demonstrations are counterproductive, the more confrontational they are the worse. Best demonstrations are like those I see out my window in Manhattan when a crowd goes any which way and avoids messing with cops. Media know they are out there and why from what they chant. Black Lives Matter. (Love) Trump. Basic Income. Cut Defense by Half.

We can have a message revolution if enough-millions of people EXPRESS themelves. We can have an unstoppable force if enough-millions we get out there and say nothing save for a few little chants to feed the media.

The hip organizations should support my ideas and discourage confrontation and go light on policy details. Bernie-depth is fine for creation of a simple global platform that can and will prevail. I speak as one who marched with John Lewis and Diane Nash in the early 60s and knows from painful experience there is not a hill of beans difference between right and left when you get up close and personal. Everyone is fallible and forgiven. So relax and have a revolution that will work.



Stephen C. Rose
Stephen C. Rose

Written by Stephen C. Rose I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!