Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2017


My neck of the woods.

I do not use bots. I do not even know how to make one. I may have been hacked but this closing came last week after the incident when an app got into my list of apps and hit me with an unbroken stream of promotional tweets which I deleted. I also deleted the app itself and things returned to normal.

The Twitter notice came last week and since then I have been entirely unable to get into my account from my desktop. I cannot tweet obviously.

The reason is simple, Twitter says I must enter the code they send to my phone. The phone they have for me is a landline. It cannot receive messages. I therefore am stopped. It is the only option Twitter gives. I have written explaining and they have not responded. It is almost a week and with holidays I am facing two weeks of being excluded.

Obviously they think a cell is the only way to communicate. I disagree. I have an email account and a landline phone whose number they have. They could call or write.

I think this is binary in the extreme and it certainly suggests that Twitter does not read mail even if it comes to them through their own system.

My response is to make my publication here my Web Home and I am working on it as we speak. Thanks again for responding. I am glad someone can see my account!



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!