I Do Messages Too. My Life is Wonderfully Simple.

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2016


I get the sense reading these things that people here are either debt-ridden app-users or rich folk who like the next thing if it is tiny and you need to contract neck-arthritis to utilize it. I see this going on all around me.

Yes, I live in the most hopping square mile in the world at the center of the Big Apple. And yes, I have long since gotten past thumb envy. I am an app-Luddite.

Sure I have my Galaxy and I make about five calls a year and keep it on Airplane Mode mostly. I have apps but I didn’t put them there and the only ones I use are what I already use on my desktop which is where I live. My computer of course imitates the app world. As if they owned the future.


I am told these little devices people bend to are terminal. No more I phones. They will be replaced by ugly goggles which give folk 3 D experiences. I am not sure how they will avoid getting run over in the bargain.

I suppose social sensitivity is the trade-off for the self-indulgence of a life of restaurant reservations and rides with companies you would otherwise have never heard of. If there is not some redeeming thing, maybe I am dealing with a delusional subgroup.

Maybe it’s because I am pushing 80 and am simply out of it.

I suppose.

But I can’t help it. What is this? Who are these folk? Do they think? Is life more than tech?

Maybe it’s a generational thing. But I have all manner of young folk in my life and none lead lives of affluent complexity requiring super-apps to organize whatever new complexities come along.

Ah well.

My fingers are getting numb. Enough already. Ciao.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!