I’ll Never Draft on Medium Again

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2016

I detest intrusions I have no control over. This morning an original chapter of a book I am working on and posting drafts of on Medium was lost. In my view, that is criminal. But I am the one who wrongly believed Medium would not do me any harm.

I am busily trying to do a new post and all of a sudden I receive a large rectangle of warning called a ROBOT ALERT. How do I prove that I am me? It turns out there is no way. So I copy and delete the text. Repost the article and see if the offending intrusion is gone.

I copy and nothing comes. Did I forget to copy it? Maybe in my irritation I did. But I doubt it. In any case, the original chapter is lost and I am forced to let it go. It is gone.

Medium created a box there is no way to defeat, a typical sin of many Internet intrusions.

I see the Web as a struggle. It has been so since day one in the 90s when words like Mosaic and DOS were common. It was a delight to create batch files and rock. Over the years “improvements” have made the whole thing opaque. That is how capitalism works.

I seek nothing in response to this unless there is a magic means of restoring my chapter without the noxious intrusion. Jesus Talks to Rachel is the title. Please do not leave a comment warning me to have a copy of my work in hand before publishing. I value writing the way I like. Unfortunately Medium has made this mode much harder to adhere to.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!