Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


So far Elon Musk has merely suggested that Twitter attacked free speech when it banned Trump for life.

Sorry Elon, but lies are not free speech. And Trump has generated and defended the biggest lie of all.

If Elon brings Trump back, he will install a liar and compound his error by claiming this is a victory for free speech. The truth is such a deed would harm free speech by calling attention to a person whose MO is to attack anyone who attacks him or those loyal to him. Lies are on the table. And they are magnified by a media that rarely traces the source of lies that are simply too obvious to ignore. His consistent endorsement of a candidate accused of multiple sexual harassments in the Nebraska’s upcoming US Senate primary is a case in point.

Those of us who care mainly about creating a viable Spiritual understanding to balance the distortions that riddle Christion orthodoxies are minor players in the effort to bring Trump to justice for his crimes. I have been on Twitter almost from the start and see my Twitter feed as my home page. Twitter has proved the best of the existing Social Media outposts for those who have a universal inclination and a concern for the whole inhabited Earth.

I will continue to hope that Mr. Musk proves to be a defender of free speech and not a protector of those whose entire lives have been based on attacking opponents with lies. slurs and distortions.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!