Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Imogen at eighteen months

Had ideas no one could understand

She knew where she was bound

From Spirits who would speak to her

She also knew she would compose a song

A kid’s ditty

One day it would conquer all ages

Again the Spirits told her so

Her first five years she did not speak

She smiled so lovingly that some were wonderstruck

She seemed so odd

Mother and Dad were told to let things go

Spirits spoke to them

At six Imogen spoke like an adult

The entire neighborhood took note

She calmly said, “I will not go to school”

The Spirits told her parents that’s OK

At eight Imogen became social

She worked at home and wrote a lot of poems

Her father read her William Shakespeare

She fashioned stories with his meters

One day at nine the big change came

She woke and found it hard to walk

She lay in bed all smiles as usual

“I’ll get along” she said and so she did

Spirits helped her

They also helped her phrase some walking words

She thought of Shakespeare’s Kings

The loyalty most royalty inspired

The Spirits said

“Start with a strong prologue”

“Love Power” came to mind

And then “Love Energy”

“Those words!

“Prologue to everything” Spirits enthused

Imogen nodded

Then she thought

“What about those Kings?”

“Royalty, Loyalty”

Then she began to write her song

So she could walk upright

“Everyone is Royal”

“Royal what?”

She asked herself

Royal getting on my feet

Royal — a good frame of mind

A trifle grandiose

And then she had it

Royal Rising

Royal Rising!

Imogen said to herself

Love Power

Love Energy

Royal rising

Everyone is royal

So she thought

Everyone rises

So she knew

The next stage became very clear

Imogen was taking baby steps

She might rise like a Queen

But then

What would tide her on her way

She had never flown an airplane

But Spirits they flew everywhere

And they were safe and comfortable

She let that percolate

Love Power Love Energy

Royal Rising

The next words came soon


Freely Flying”

Yes that’s what they do

They think a destination and they’re there

Freely Flying

So it was.

Love Power

Love Energy

Royal Rising

Freely flying

Imogen had covered

Getting Started

Assuming Power

Traveling Triumphantly

But then what

What’s the climax

What happens

I’ve got it, she said


Happy what

Happy Landing

And there it was

A day or two passed

Imogen moved to a sitting position

At the edge of her bed

She slowly bent forward and said

Love Power


Love Energy

Then she sat straight up

She felt her feet touching the floor

She said “Royal Rising” and stood

Yes, she felt her legs extending

She was up

A Royal feat

What next



She said, “Freely Flying”

Then took a few steps easily

All the way to the end of the bed

Let’s have a climax

What might it be

I’ve got it



She said it with joy

Then let herself fall

Sitting happily

She scooted back to where she started

She thought

This happiness is real and wonderful

If everyone said HAPPY LANDING every day

Why everyone would be much happier

And maybe laugh

And maybe feel some thanks

Day after day Imogen used these phrases

Day after day she moved along quite well

She thanked the Spirits

And she thanked the Universe

She lay back down each time and fluffed her pillows

Love Power she thought

Love Energy

What was the next step

A tune perhaps

She hummed away

Ro o o o yal Rising

Free ly Flying

Haaaa py Land ing

Each of the first words starts high up

Descending at the end

Then down up at the end

The phrases took on meaning

Love Power and Love Energy are guides

The very movers of the universe

Royal is an irony that now applies to all

And Rising is much more than getting up

It’s how all Souls end up back home

Freedom is the ideal state of all

Then joy and then accomplishment


A universal statement.

Always a wondrous

A triumphant end

It would take a while to this done

But it would happen

It already has




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!