Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readSep 6, 2021


Incarnation is the way life appears

The joint facilitation of male female

Full term is not necessary

All living beings are Souls

And some decide this life

Is not for me

There is no abortion

This is a male expression of guilt and fear

Due to their habitual use of their brute power

To subdue and to cause life to be created


Reincarnation seems to be a choice

Some feel it is the way the whole thing works

Others that it is an option

And more and more perceive that we can

Incarnate all over the Cosmos if we wish


Hypnotic regression to past lives

Is not something I have done

But I have tried it on myself

And concluded that it is useful

To imagine who you may have been

It helped me to understand why I gravitate toward

Universal thinking and an aversion to violent behavior

I may have been executed for my peaceful predilections

In any case it all has to do with understanding now

Everything does


We might find we want this or that life

We might better be content to do nothing astral-realm -wise as long as we can

We might find we were someone famous

Or someone else

Or the other gender

Or a mix


In sum I think it’s up to us



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!