Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Abba is the one to whom Jesus prayed. He is also friend, family, and inner guarantor of unconditional love, our central Reality. This continues this guided presentation of Abba’s perspective on Jesus and his continuing meaning for the world.

The ordering of what took place in Nazareth when Jesus was a boy — I mean as a teaching, an instruction, a colloquy — is most contemporary in terms of your present earth time.

Early in our time, we noted that there is no way out of anything in life without inner touch.

Touch implies feeling, intent, physicality.

All of these involve the body.


People who see the body as a jacket, a bag, a dispensable cover, are not appreciative of the ways of unconditional love.

The body is all in itself.

Even the cells of the body are all in themselves.

Your wordsmiths say size matters. It would not matter if every element of everything is not a microcosm of the whole.

And if there was no consistency to the entirety.

And if that consistency was not expressed as you should express it, as unconditional love.


Now if everything is this wondrous show of divinity, why would we teach going inside, inner touch, the kingdom of God within?


Life, the living, the conscious is the crown of creation.

The crown of life is the Soul.

The crown of the Soul is incarnate being.


Jesus had no problem when this was explained to him. It made and makes complete sense.

Look at anyone and see a soul.


Human beings are intentionally forgetful.

The degree of forgetfulness depends on the mission.

Your soul Stephen, for example, is on high forgetfulness.

If you as a living being could fathom all Reality, you would collapse, as you do from time to time.

But it would be terminal.

You need to be where you are for the moment.


See soul’s everywhere.

Soul families are not your families.

It’s all mixed up.

But when we get down to teaching how to live, we say to all, learn to to go within, to touch and love and communicate with the parts of yourself.


Can you reach your crotch? Sorry to be so graphic but one should be able to go within anywhere and be aware of any physical connection anywhere in the body.

Be aware of the need for balance and for fluidity.

The best way to collapse is to ensure blood does not circulate freely through the body. Make blood scarce in your head and you will collapse.

Love cannot operate if it does not come from a person’s going out from their love center within.

That would be the heart.

Ideally the entire self needs to be wrapped in intent.

Do you know that you can intend with your body?

Of course, you do.


I am sorry I am beginning to treat you as I once treated Jesus. Lecturing away.


Jesus was perfect for the mission he had and continues to have.

He is every person.

He exudes freedom.

Not as license. As respect.

He exudes grace. As bodily beauty, embracing, reaching, enfolding.


There is beauty in what to you seems ephemeral.

This can only be appreciated when you go within and discover your true sight, your true hearing, your feelings.


There I go again


Touch yourself inside.

Everything is there.

It is called consciousness.

It is finally nothing but feeling.

Nothing but unconditional love.

Universal, free, peaceful, and right.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!