Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
1 min readAug 15, 2021



I took umbrage this morning

I was playing my ordinary game

Simple arcade none of this other stuff for me

I was soliloquizing

I got to referencing small children

And umbrage rose when I

Considered the profound disrespect given millions of children

When their Soulhood is ignored or never even noticed


This is an insult that unveils the problem we all face

You see religions are not able to create a common rule

Nor should they

But Earth is the whole kahuna religious or not

Things here should be as they are in Heaven

And in Heaven there is only one version of us

The Soul. All Souls.

Come come, cried I. This insult cannot stand.


And I promised any Spirits who were listening

I would publish this sentiment

Oh, there are instances when a word someone pens

Gets out and has an influence

My umbrage has melted into my love for all

And particularly for the newborn and growing Souls

Whose magnificence is macerated by the insult I

Have specified.

We cannot blame religion for its failures

It’s us who are beyond it who bear blame

We need to imbibe Jesus care for children

And make his strong love ethic truth for all



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!