A triad

Is Binary Evil?

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2015


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Let’s cut to the chase.

Binary is evil when harm is done.

The failure to move past harm is a signature of binary thinking.

What are we saying?

There is A. (We charge!)

There is B (We stand still.)

— —

That is what we have — a straight line.

Let’s try it again.

There is Charlie. Here is Jane.

They are locked not in an embrace, but in a fight.

First there is

— —

then there is

What then is the inevitable feature of the binary?

Worst case: conflict until one or the other is vanquished.

Now, bear with me.

We’re going to do a little philosophy.

Here is a binary proposition:

  1. I think

2. I am

Begins with one. Ends with two.


Charlie Jane +

I think I am +


Step Three)


A triadic form, aka a triangle, can


It is a gateway to infinity

It is the signature of continuity

It implies fallibility because it continues to suggest amendment, reiteration, a continuing process.


Now I shall not bore you with a litany of binary bashing.

But I will ask you:

Is not dualistic thinking binary?

Is not either-or thinking binary?

Is not our culture saturated by binary conceptions and expressions and actions?

And if this is so, are we not schooled to think of most things in terms of


of opposites,

of conflict,

of struggle,

of sign meeting brute force

and that being the

end of the matter?

And if into this soup there comes a still small tinkling bell that rings three times and says,

“No, loves. We have been triadic all along. You were too busy fighting to notice.”

well then, we are in a pickle.

And we might ask the legion of nominalist, dualist philosophers whether something like triadic thought might be useful in minimizing the conflict that wracks the world?

Or do we say with Rem





Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!