The words point to the ontological basis of our reason for living and can be understood and freely followed for good or ill by every human being on the planet.

My Quora response

© Copyright 2018 by Stephen Curtiss Rose Please follow @stephencrose on Twitter and Medium

The answer is yes and the world’s thought does not matter. Trump thrives on division aka conflict,

This is the primary evil of the world. Dualism, selfishness, narcissism, dealing hurt and harm with impunity.

The rest of the world would be well advised to address the small group of human beings who agree Trump is bad but are afraid to stand up and be counted. I refer to GOP congress folk who have been as culpable as Trump.

How can such a judgment be true? Ancient understanding suggests that the observer of a wrong who is capable of addressing it is as culpable as the wrong-doer.

Every wrong Trump has done from hurting people with lies and insults to separating children from parents, to excluding people from healthcare and abusing the women in his life, is is a compelling reason for the GOP to act. But a combination of fear and extreme rationalization serves to expose the world to a dictatorial human being who makes no secret of his affinity to the rest of the world’s small and invidious collection of dictatorial rulers.

We are at a flash point as I write. If the GOP does nothing the world will be the loser along with all of the United States.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!