Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 4, 2019


Continuing guided answers to me, from Abba, the one to whom Jesus prayed

You are correct when you say to your fellow human beings, reality is all

Satan and the Devil are real to millions who see them as such

Here’s how things work

Reality is all and all is One

One is REALITY both now and finally

Mystery, Love and Light

Creative Force

If someone says it’s false to believe in Satan or the Devil, that’s correct

If someone says evil is real, that’s right

If someone says we are free agents, that’s true

If you see the One, you know that Love’s all there is

It is ultimate truth

But understand that REALITY moves

Everything moves

Time is movement

We see forward and backward where Light and Love are unchallenged

It is all real, true, the case

You would not be one with One were it not so

Anything that hurts and harms is evil

But out of this comes overcoming love

And nothing can be finally evil

Evil charades and harmful special effects are real

But they disappear under the light of love

Free agents alter things

Alter as you intend

Nothing affects freedom

Nothing is not love

Everything is unconditional love

All lives are loved

All is real

Devil and Satan do not and cannot exist

Any more than can fear, hate, or cruelty



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!