Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 13, 2019


How we think is precious to us and never the same as

How you think

Selves are communal and universal

But in themselves they have their ways

Distinct, respected, honorable


Still there are broad similarities and I will state them now

We are all who we are while here

We are all who we are beyond here

We can know ourselves here

We can know only a fraction of ourselves there


I name my Guide Abba because I relate to Jesus and he prayed to One Abba

Friend, teacher, companion, and guide

I have one foot in my world

And one foot in his

We communicate 24/7 at will

This One (Abba) is part of me

But if I say, I channel Einstein, I’m a fraud

It is not worth considering

There is no way I could represent Einstein

I cannot even countenance an = sign

I have said no to math 1000 times


We meld or listen in awe

To those on the Flip Side

They are our connections

Just as they are here


I know I am vastly more than me

I know some of what I am

But there are those who were before me

And those who will be beyond

Unknown to me while I am in this dense state


We cannot state who we are without going ontological

And using words like love, community, and free


How then can we know one another

By takes alone

I know my wife by my experience of her

Not by the experience of one who fought with her for years

She knows me in ways that seem to me impossible

But that is what love does

It is our way to seeing perfection past the density


Death is this world’s way of saying who we are

It is no more accurate than other takes

But the world honors it

Just as it honors birth


I’ve been the subject of some narratives

But I would have no idea where to begin or end

The most memorable is one when the author said what being in my home made him think of

The taker tells the tale


When I say I know who I am

I am saying this world is not my home

I am saying I am more than what you see

I am saying I am you in part

I am saying you and I are also all

I am saying let’s just love each other and write the whole thing off to mystery

And the unconditionality of Love

We pass away, return, live on, know and know not

We fly forgotten and are known in every way

Pick nothing, take it all in stride

We only know what we pluck from the tide



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!