
Life Determines What Comes After “The Adventures of the Teen Jesus”

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes





Jesus wondered how people ended up when they were dead. He asked Abba.

“You end up as you were. Isn’t it clear? That’s one good reason for this whole exercise.”

“A murderer ends up a murderer?”

“Of course. Your life is the basis for what you are when you are no longer on earth. How else could it be? What else makes sense?”

“So what is life like after we die?”

“It varies according to the person.”

“How about for me?”

“Well, you will probably be talking with me forever. And seeing things you have done. A capital dream. A good one.”


“Like a dream, Jesus. Your sense of yourself won’t be confined by the ground you stand on now or the heat of today’s sun. It is real though.”

“So that murderer?”

“A person whose life was evil faces it. The experience is intense. A murderer cannot escape the truth. Things are as life was. Heaven is very specific.”

“You call life after death heaven?”

“Heaven is a place. Yes. It’s where things are clear. It’s pretty simple. You cannot affect what took place after you die. You cannot edit the story of your life. You can face it or become supine. In which case you are, well, supine.”

“Do we have any power? Any freedom?”

“Nothing like what you have now. Power relates to life, Jesus, and how you live now. Death return to the beginning or the end. Whatever you want to call it.”

“I thought everything was moving.”

“Everything is moving.”

“Could re-live, so to speak? At some point?”

“I don’t know. I suppose. Regardless, see your life as the theater of your Base them on the best values and ideals.”

“Whatever comes will depend exactly on what we did.”

“Yes. Precisely. And people know that when they think reasonably.”

Jesus wanted to go further. He was thankful that he might have an unbroken contact with Abba on both life and death.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!