Life Explained (well attempted anyway~)

Everything Comes
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2015


noun \ˈlīf\

: the ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks

: the period of time when a person is alive

: the experience of being alive

The above definitions describe the word “life” and were extracted from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. These explanations are easily comprehended, and yet, even with this seemingly simplistic approach, these definitions lack clarity to us — or at least I find them quite lacking. How can such a complex process, our very beings, be described in such elementary terms?

Simply phrased, life is consecutive moments strung together into days, months and years. This subject is timeless and relevant and fascinating and confusing. Our origin. Why we are here. Our purpose. Where to go from here. How to make a lasting impact during our brief time on this earth. How to make the moments count. How to move from yesterday to make tomorrow better and brighter.

Apologetically, I realize that I cannot shed much light on this topic for you. I am also on this journey and figuring it out each step along the way. Life is baffling and oftentimes, just plain weird. However, I have attempted to present a perspective on the matter that you might find worthy of consideration.

One element of life that is most commonly noted is the unpredictability that it exhibits. Many times, various extremes faced in day-to-day living serve to usher bewilderment into our lives. One moment may yield pure bliss, while the next brings harrowing sorrow. This is the hardest part for me to grasp, that everything can be grand and then, without warning, turned upside down. It all takes place within the blink of an eye. Suddenly, life changes — slightly or not so slightly.

Yet we are human, and these experiences serve to mold us into who we are. Thus, we are connected to one another by our experiences, our stories, our personal biographies. The compilation of events that sculpt, mold, shape, and configure each of us is the purest form of beauty known.

The most important words of advice I have to offer are: 1. Enjoy the journey. 2. Do NOT wait for tomorrow or next week or next year. 3. Live for now. 4. Enjoy the little moments. 5. Find reasons to smile. 6. Go out of your way to make someone else smile.

And maybe, just maybe, you will fall in love with your life. Not because your life is perfect, but contraire! You will fall in love because you have perceived the beauty that your life has become.

Redefined: Life = beautiful. ❤



Everything Comes

{Jesus-loving writer, leftie & fan of all things coffee} Today is the yesterday of tomorrow, and I long to create spectacular moments.