Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 13, 2019


A spirit friend who is actually also on this planet was talking on a video

She said something that made me register about lifting all, lifting the planet,

She acknowledged that would be something in the affirmation department

And reminded me that I typically do just that

Just as grandiose

All the people in the 700 apartments in my building

All the people in Manhattan

Throw in the adjacent states

When you get into the mindset of being I, We, and All

Of being One

You don’t scrimp and save

You go all out

And when you consider it, a planet is just a miniscule fragment of the seeable

I am talking of our POV

We look out unless we are smog bound which I am

And see a feast of stars which are a minuscule fragment of what may be out there

You get the idea

To lift our planet is a big deal because we on good days value life

And even incline to the universal reality

So I hereby ask all who read this and share the idea to become my partner

We shall together join millions who are already doing this in a telepathic and feeling manner

Get your body into it

I am utterly convinced that we have moved to a DIY plane

There are no leaders

There are only ontological values which

Coalesce in phrases like unconditional love

Stop saying words do not make a difference

A few of them do

None of them create celebrities or leaders

All of them create the elements of unconditional love

Affirm Lift The Planet



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!