Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJul 23, 2019


LOVE POWER has at least two meanings

First claiming the two words truly

Love and Power belong together

Power linked to any other word will err and stray


I will not elaborate on this

You can well see the problem

The other thing LOVE POWER is

Is an intention you can use


Every heavenly encounter in this life

Is open and spontaneous

Just a small flick of the mind

The power of love will be in play


I lift everyone I meet

With a simple affirmation

I say silently upon all meetings

“I know who you are

“I know what you are

“I know how you serve

“You are free You are free You are free”

By this affirm a lifting to the frequency

Of Christ Consciousness

This realm is now open to all persons on the planet

This is not a religious marker

It is a universal state of human evolving

The current stage of enlightenment

Fairness, nonviolence

Helping, understanding

And so forth

Letting this be second nature

Drawing closer to our universal home


The action is not mine alone

Paul Selig’s guided teachings are my source

I know this is heaven talk

Well validated, true

Experience it


I eagerly await Paul’s next advisories

Heaven exists

Heaven is exercised

It has been more and more

Considering our growing plight


Any expression of direct LOVE POWER

Is information sent to the cosmos

There to be an influence

To counter our misplaced freedom

And redeem our choices


I do not blame Love

Or the Ego

For what hurts and harms

Unconditional love is universal

And pervasive

Always instantly in force

When things go wrong, discern this love immediately

Move lovingly through all sloughs of despond

Generating positives so

As they grow

They will prevail

This way has always been the case

“That’s life”

Has always meant “That’s love”



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!