Silence Activated


Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2019


Love Power to all
The mere thought is enlightenment
We are embracing all, we all are One
And being One we are all One in Love


This oneness needs a voice that resonates
And yet your mere thought does the job
We are enlightened by what our hearts think
Think of Love Power to all, that’s all you need


Freely is love given profusely

Here as we are in this sere density

Why are we so doltish and so down

What other way is there to overcome


Love Power to all is triumph on the earth
It is one way to zap the primal curse
There is no curse and only One is prime
Love power has ruled forever, all the time


Even evolution is a fancy
Since each of us is as evolved as can be
Only as we love life can we see this
Only then can we be heavenly


So brace yourself and say Love Power to all
And do not separate yourself away
Be one with least and lost and those who seem ugly
Hold on to all that heaven lets you see


Love Power to all Love Power to all Love Power to all
Be not afraid to speak in deep silence
Be not afraid to breathe as deep as well
For in your word and breath there lies your tell



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!