Make Quantifying Harm The Heart of Science
So onerous and pervasive is the warlike hypocrisy
that underlies the plutocratic swish
that evil is now good
and harm OK
The words of IKE are seen as Kumbaya
The acts of petrified presidents to reduce weapons
The thread we’re hanging on is made of
thoughtlessness mingled with easy greed
and Protestant neo-orthodox theology
enamored by David Brooks
and whatever else passes for centrist realism
Then listen
your smooth and recondite evil
fills stock reports with good news
due to profits of companies
whose names we do not know
Yes listen
and do this
you whose last resort is
the audacity of science
assuming that it is error free
it is not
it never was
but it can be better
Humility goes out the door when
compromise with values rules
Are you poised to hear?
Then hear
Make quantifying harm
the heart of science
Do nothing more than this
Arrive at quantification benchmarks
first elementary take stats from UNICEF
and Bill Gates and see whose decisions power what deaths
Don’t slight the auto deaths and injuries
Quantify away my boys
Quantify away
There is good in everything
Find what it is with your science
but your science is skewed
you say
How can it be and still be science
Until the world proceeds
to quantify harm
and thus influence
doltish media
to tell the truth
we shall live in the falsehood
of the time we’re given
We shall live out lies
and when the attack is made
we’ll say it could have been prevented
through fall-out
puffed up lips
in lost suburban wastelands