
Materiality and Truth

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



Triadic Philosophy was made by yours truly for this moment. It says reality is all and was laughed at. Reality is all. Go ahead.

By the lights of triadic thinking, materiality is no less real than the idea that the world is a simulation. The actuality favors simulation on principles that are outlined here: (The Simulation Hypothesis)

But archeology suggests that if quantum thinking is correct, so too is the science of banging a table-top to prove it is real.

The world is locked in the fundamentalism of materialism. It is mired in binary, either-or thinking. It ignores godly things like ethics and aesthetics and creates a globe that can barely survive its own perfidies.


What is real is what we say is real. It is what we infer is real. It’s what has real effects. It is all that is.

Ethics merely tells us to do no harm and cause no hurt. Simple enough if you are not inured to greed and narcissism.

Ethics is tolerance, helpfulness, and democracy. It is universal caring, non-violent and fair.

We are being treated to the demise of dictators, democratic and otherwise. This century we will transit a few degrees toward where we need to be and leave the dictators to drink their soda pop.

The foundation of ethics is non-idolatry, no idols. That’s too much of a challenge for many otherwise sane people. It accounts for a good deal of today’s havoc. Writings like this have little place in a world of binary politics and society.


The reason Triadic Philosophy makes aesthetics the cognitive trigger for action is that ethics has failed in the past. Nonviolence must rule the future. Ugliness is the signature of binary violence.

Triadic Philosophy says everyone in the world should consider reality, ethics, and aesthetics as a basis for everything they say and do. This is hardly new or original. But many who have maintained it have been summarily executed over time.

The debate about materiality is real. Triadic thinks both sides should come to a large table and be honest with one another. Triadic will win. Support it.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!