Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJan 18, 2023


An alternative to Crypto.


Each of us has services we can render which are worth barter or purchase. Me-O could be a form of global exchange based on the intentions of individual Souls. It would begin with creative urges that rise up in these Souls.

Any service or item could be provided online in exchange for any comparable good or for compensation. Ultimately we would all have a Me-O Identity.

And a Me-O Provider which would house, promote and fulfill all transactions. Anyone could qualify and provide approproate services. Anyone could take on a management role.

I offer this as a suggestion which recognizes the sovereign nature of each Soul. And the diversity of ways we can devise solutions honoring triadic understandings. The ethic of tolerance, helpfulness and democracy. An awareness of universal consciousness. And self-reliance rising from meditative awareness.

Nothing says Souls cannot band together and share talents and dreams. Nothing says we cannot combine to create whatever we are inspired to produce. This idea is a sketch of what might emerge from a cooperative process involving all who participate.

This approach could use Quantum computing to enable a smooth intergalactic means of functioning.

Its basis is the Soul as the generator of creativity,

The explosive development of computing capacities to enable smooth and trouble-free operations,

and the growth of a universal consciousness based on evolving spirituality.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!