Medium is what you make it

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I am tempted to say Medium is what you make it. Most of the things said above are germane to writing and writers. Well and good. The only argument I have is with the contention that Medium is not a publishing tool.

Long term. I see publishing a little bit as Ev sees Medium. A book need not be a static thing. It can undergo more than successive editions. It can be reiterated, reformatted, reconceived, co-written and so forth.

And sooner or later all books will be online.

To me Medium is part of a publishing sequence. It starts on Twitter, leads here and ends up as text for a book.

I use Kindle as an extension of what I do on Medium. So for me Medium is clearly a tool for publishing.

That said, I benefit immensely from its versatility as a platform and from the some but not all of the networking aspects.. I early figured out that an insider here would do well to link up with a publication with zillions of followers. I gave up after a few efforts to do just that. Since then I have found a publication that has more than satisfied my desire for a partner here. In addition, I have made my own publication an open door for anyone who wants to get started here.

Anywhere you stash words online is a publishing tool IMO. Words are of immense and growing importance.

Are things better now than when I used to write on the now-defunct Themestream and the now-corporatized Epinions and the now-Yahoo-swallowed Associated Content and the once-hospitable Huffington Post? Might it have been better to stay on Wordpress and expand my Blogger blog?

I opted for Twitter > Medium > Kindle

All I care about is getting words out.

Medium is what you make it and for me it is, excuse the expression, a capital publishing tool.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!