Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2022



After writing this, I reflected some. My conclusion is in the next bit of verse in which I concluded that metaphysics and science are doomed as they are. It makes better sense to me to move beyond the present state of both subjects. So that I will do. We need a holistic “theory of everything”. It cannot exist at present. It cannot even be attempted until we decide that the afterlife and the narratives it connects to are essential to the holism that is true. To me it is part and parcel but science is obdurate in holding to its physicalist premises. And culture embraces it. We chip away and the house of cards trembles. In time it will collapse. If we survive life here it is a revolution which will alter all thought. Because I embrace this with such thought as I can muster, I will take the role I have taken. The productions of those who accept life after death are at least correct in their basic premises. And most of the world around these parts continues to follow obsolete ways of perceiving reality.


There is an entire subject we suppress

More central than all others I profess

It deals with everything nonphysical

Including cures that fail to be medicinal


No, there’s no way to cover this real quick

It takes a while to prove our ways are sick

Metaphysics evens up the score

It deals with everything that we ignore


Where might we begin — the subject’s huge

Most of us are lost in subterfuge

These are the very bottom frequencies

Where most of us are driven to our knees


But I shall make amends for my neglect

Besides the subject could be more direct

If Metaphysics returns to the fray

It needs to be dressed up for a new day



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!