Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Power varies with our frequency

There are no different sorts of power

Only different frequencies

As frequencies grow dense

Power grows misused

At lowest level

Hurt’s intended

Harm’s intended

At lowest level power

Is dastardly brute force


The only valid power is Love Power

Without Love Power we’d not even be


Everything we do displays our frequency

We rise and fall according to our deeds

Our energies are subject to our choices

Corrupted Power is the only source of evil


Love Power makes the world go round

Its pure unbounded Light

Its quality is unconditional

Its freedom is unbounded

It bears balance, bliss, joy, love

Love Power lifts

Love Power

It is democratic

It plays no favorites

All Souls control its course


Unconditional is love is pure Love Power

Love of ourselves

Of our close community

Of everyone

This is the balanced universal way of life

That all should live

Such love can raise all who struggle

Such love can raise all Souls


All other forms of power are lacking

All lesser forms corrupt

When we remove Love from Power

We move to denser frequencies

Our behavior becomes more hostile

Our violence increases

Our foul language takes center stage

Our foul behavior is accepted

Our foul enterprises command our allegiances


Be therefore perfect

Bind all living to Love Power

If something hurts or kills

Reject it

Rise by doing so


Respect all

We are not ciphers

We are precious eternal souls

Not dirt

Society need not be impersonal

Souls need not be atomized

We are not incidental

Say goodbye

Say goodbye

To our corrupted low density world


We all have the same light in us

No law on earth says we cannot shine forth

But say Love Power

Watch reality change

It is the only power that remains


Finally all Souls will tread the Upward Trail

The Downward Trail’s illusion

It’s false fantasy

Reality springs forth as our hearts change

Rising in frequency is our best choice

And finally it is our common destiny


Power nearly vanishes where Love is strong

Love is the only valid power

The rest is all dross and damnation

Love always finally prevails



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!