Unfinished Business

Consciousness is hardly new. We are not without clues. Anything which can be described as or proved to be transcendent is a clue. Anything that suggests of demonstrates the possibility that thoughts and expressions have effects that are not materially caused, is evidence. And so forth. Pythagoras and Heraclitus and Aristophanes most probably had experiences that suggested transcendence.

Even today the only real question about this omnipresent awareness, this capacity to sit back and observe, this capacity to exert will and see it have an effect, is whether it is a quality that breaches the convenient border science ascribes to the body. It should be obvious from my tone that I think there is a lot riding on a materialist explanation of everything, which is precisely a falsification of the view that what we call matter is itself an illusion.

Triadic Philosophy, my blip in the conversation, has no trouble believing that both ideas are true, just as Newton and Quantum Field Theory are spot on. We should always accept everything as real until we can sort things out via experimental means that we are able to accept as honest, true and beautiful.

Related tweets to the tweet above are pertinent.


A hopefully helpful progression for initial writing, posting, sharing and expanding, video creation. And at the end of the line, selling/archiving of texts and maybe even “monetization”.

Commaful. Twitter. Here. YouTube. Kindle.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!