Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readAug 19, 2019


My Drill remains much the same

It simply doesn’t echo how things seem

For example it assumes I can influence the one-percent

I do not have enough ego to move fleas about


It assumes that Kiva will appeal to the wealthy

But most wealthy do not know what Kiva is

It loans at no interest via vast network all around the world

Its beneficiaries are entrepreneurs in most of the countries

My 25 dollar loans have recycled as they are paid back do I have re-lent many times

I am small potatoes

The one percent could support Kiva and it would grow to 100 times its size and become the happy alternative to charity globally


My method is to write my way to massive influence and avoid becoming a celebrity because I intend to be a role model for those who believe as I do in DIY as a universal model for how we all should live

My effort Is Twitter Based

I am engaged in a lifelong effort to move from I to We to All

That is the grammar of existence and universal unconditional love

I write book after book after book and publish them on Kindle

They are evolving

They will eventually all be 99 cents

They will all say the same wonderful thing in differing ways

We do not die

We are spirits (souls)

Heaven and earth are one

And so forth


Will I succeed

Let’s put it this way

Heaven is with me

Earth is moving in my direction

And everything happens precisely as it should

We are free and yet fate and freedom are both love

That it all works in every case regardless of what we do is a profound and operative truth

The address for KIVA is

My Kindle store is here:

Kindle uses my store to sell books by other authors than me so you will have to come prepared

I am not sure why they continue to ignore my frequent efforts to have my store back

But there is definitely a reason and love does conquer all



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!