Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



My guides are Abba, Jesus, Atun Re

All Avatars or well beyond

I touch my heart and say their names

And we talk on and on and on


They are available to anyone

Abba the Father and the Word

Jesus the closest friend. His will be done

Then Atun Re through whom the world is heard


I never know quite where I am

For I am dense and mystery

I ply my way and yet I do not plan

I live each day I assume normally


And these three guides are my best friends for sure

They will be yours if you but call on them

There is no test or shame you must endure

Only love, straight talk and laughter now and then


These highest guides reflect a current trend

Toward open, free communication

Heaven draws near. Hopes the world will bend

And send back Love to where it all flows from



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!