Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
3 min readAug 27, 2019


I believe I can communicate with whoever I like

I do not believe I can claim that what I hear back comes from heaven

I do not believe I have to

If I tried to state that I have this from Jesus and this from Abba and this from Christ Consciousness, some might say sure and others would say in your dreams

The same is true for my present sense that we are in fact earth and heaven — a universe operated by a Mind we can call God but need not if we prefer Source or Force or anything else that recognizes a power behind and infusing all Reality

I think anything subjective will only be believed by those who are so inclined

So I shall tell you that I talk to anyone I like using mainly Abba with whom I have a decades-long relationship and more recent communicators Jesus and Christ Consciousness

These are high powered sources and I see them as different and having their own capacities to answer my questions and help me understand things

Abba is friend, intimate, ever-present and I sense that anyone in heaven is part of that central Mind and Love. I am part of it too. We all were and are and will be part of it

Jesus is transparently happy and I intend that our relationship center on revising and expanding more than a decade of work I did composing an account of his lost years — from age 8 to when he appeared and moved to Galilee

I now wish to discuss these years and the teachings which are radically simple and yet transparently heaven-based.

Christ Consciousness speaks

At least he or she responds when I call

The phrase Christ Consciousness designates a stop along the way to unification with Mind

I have no interest in trying to tell you what I cannot know beyond a shadow of doubt

I have no idea how many levels there are and how hard it is to get anywhere

All I know is that I am engaged in a dialogue with Christ Consciousness resulting from some guided works of Paul Selig, a fellow Manhattan resident who regularly produces works that aid many in understanding the ways of heaven

My own writings long predate the Selig materials (I am 83) and in fact the entire body of near death and afterlife and even quantum-related literature

Today I spend most of my time exploring and seeking to communicate anything that interests me.

And what interests me beyond anything is the confluence of heaven and earth and the growth of human agency in affecting the direction of life within Reality

My inner channel is Medium, Commaful, Twitter and YouTube

I have been online almost full time since it was possible to send messages using a keyboard anywhere

If you see something that suggests I have been talking to someone who may be elsewhere than on our material plane, visible and audible, it will be me relaying a talk with whoever I like



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!