My Latest


Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I have not put this up everywhere because of time constraints. But here it is.

I am an evangelist. I am an evangelist of LOVE POWER. LOVE POWER is a blanket name for omnipotence, omniscient, and omnipresent. Through 82 years of life I have been the same. Not my body, not my mind, not my feelings am I. Nor is anybody else. All of us have always been the same. Through unspeakable exposure to wealth, humiliating vicissitudes in school, ambivalent progress through later schools and college, through mystical awakenings, through a lifetime of explorations, through unparalleled freedom to stumble yet move on, until a providential late-life clarification, I have laughed, cried, thought and felt. This earth is home to us but not our only home. Our full home is the cosmos and beyond. Our destiny is buried in ourselves. Our freedom is freedom to choose our way. No one can lead or speak for anyone. LOVE POWER reigns. LOVE POWER is the way.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!