My Pluggio Adventure

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2016

I am an inverate experimenter. Should have been a scientist. Didn’t have the math. Too lazy.

And I am compelled by some inner thing to share what I find. Sometimes I spend decades before I do that. Other times it is almost instant. This is hot off the head.

Twitter followers.

How in god’s name can I reach folk I want to reach? Well, at the moment here is what I am doing and it seems like a pretty good approach.

I pay Pluggio $24 a month. I have no other regular expenses save for Cable and Internet which is always up for changing since I have no love for Time-Warner.

Pluggio gives me the following. The right to specify who I want to follow.

Enter Saul Alinsky who tells us that we only want to work with people who have … a following.

In other words follow folk who have MORE followers than they follow.

Now there are WONDERFUL folk who are dismal at getting followers and who do not care. I am FOR them so I will cheat but for the moment I am following folk who have more followers than they follow.

Now finding these is another thing Pluggio does in real time if you have the patience to keep the site open while it scours away. It does so according to keywords I enter.

I enter words that are rifled around Twitter every nanosecond. Like Trump and search and selected tags. I don’t care how broad they are. I am not a niche person.

I am only peripherally in business running my Kindle shop as a means of preserving my productivity for as long as one might reasonably hope.

Anyway Pluggio is FREE.

I only upgraded because I wanted unlimited words to use to find followers and to see if I could speed things up a bit.

At this point, I have around 230K regular people (mostly) that I have acquired since 2008. These include the President and other notables. But mainly they are real people.

Now they will be people with names. And more followers than they follow.

I may report on my results.

When you get this many followers, you will lose about 100 a day and gain a like amount, just because of the way Twitter is. My effort now is to see if I can RAISE the total a bit.

I could always downgrade if it fails.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!