My Trump Take — October 2015 to Now

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2016

It is late June, 2016. Here is a recent look at the state of the Trump effort.

All of Trump can be summarized as problems at launch and brazen responses which are proof that brazen is probably the most saving characteristic in America. I think Trump is never far from inspiring pity, so close is he to falling flat. We have sympathy. That saves him.

But we are in serious territory now because we have just witnessed how stupidity can TRUMP democracy. The Brexit matter.

These days the pundits still say Trump can’t do it. And still he comes on. When you look at England you see another Trump look-alike and you wonder if the world is falling to fantasy creatures, somewhere between trolls and what? I have no idea.

But I have changed since I wrote all the material appended to this. I have determined to Defeat Donald. Others are determining the same thing. And there must therefore be a point at which Trump is no more.

So. Here are my points, at which Trump gets stopped and we revert to sanity.

We get a free gift from Donald. He CONTINUES to defeat himself.

This will be in the form of continuing spontaneous revelations of views that are able to ALIENATE vast swathes of the electorate. He hails a stronger dollar. Middle class US investors wonder if he cares about the Brexit crash as it impacted their IRA’s and 401K’s. There are better examples and the gift is ongoing.

Donald is going GOP and GOP Presidential Candidates LOSE.

The GOP establishment, oh yes there still IS one, is insisting that Donald have policies and he has none so they are saying he should follow the hapless Majority Leader and embrace the very agenda that started this whole mess in the first place. So the party Trump is supposed to DEFEAT will own him. And because this won’t quite fit. we are about to witness excruciation raised to a power beyond calculation.

Now these two factors should be enough to defeat Donald but there is a final nail we can happily drive into the coffin of his ambivalent Presidential hopes.

What Donald actually WANTS is poison to voters.

When we shear away the silliness, there are some things Donald truly cares about. We shall note some with aplomb. There is his deportation fixation. This will alienate a big swath and it will behoove the Democrats to get the offended to the polls. Then there are his Supreme Court choices. They are enough to induce retching should any of them get confirmed. All women have good reason to REJECT the Donald. Also, there is his opposition to a rise in the minimum wage. That might fuel a bit of UMBRAGE among the young, not to mention his alleged worker constituency. There are at least ten other candidates for this coup de grace.

Suffice to say that most of the things you hate about Ted Cruz you will find somewhere in Donald.

Finally, there is the notion that Donald will simply tar and feather Hillary and ride in on the Confusion and Bile wave. The problem is, That won’t happen. By election day we well be relieved to install a tried and tested Democrat in the White House and happy the GOP has suffered some consequences of the Trump effort in the form of DROPPED SEATS in both the Senate and the House. Hillary Hate won’t win the day.

I hate to be prescient, but imagine Bill Clinton has some age problems and so becomes an object more of sympathy than anything else. Imagine if Hillary’s family, such as it is, soldiers on and begins to move from CURRENT BOTTOM POPULARITY up toward Eleanor Roosevelt heights. Imagine Clinton attacks go the way of all the other failed attacks on that family. I know who the Clintons are and why they are and why with all the compromises they are the best that could be expected. I get that. That is miles better than the skeletal remains of the savaged GOP led by a President who hates them and has no idea what tomorrow should bring, quite apart from what it will bring.

We are not going the way of our dear British cousins. We are going happily toward modest adjustments and Hillary fixes, glad we avoided the Trump storm.

Below find my prior Trump pieces unchanged.

My Latest Trump Deliverance — April 25, 2016

The original posts of this continuing post start in October, 2015. They are anticipations that have yet to be shown to be in error.

Trump progresses and Hillary stumbles on and the future is said to lie in the balance.

I myself feel the future is much less certain and that it is not exactly a matter of who is President. Events will overshadow us.

But I do want to record the theological reason for Trump, in my opinion.

I think he is a sort of divine revenge on the GOP for its horrendous abdication of even the pretense of caring about people. The GOPs betrayed President Obama who is the best GOP President we have had since Teddy Roosevelt.

Also GOP ideas, such as they are, do not work.

I think Trump has as good a chance as Hillary does of winning.

Hillary has failed to take up my offer to help her and is doing the wrong thing at present. Attacking Trump mindlessly with no apparent comprehension of what he is about.

I voted for Bernie in the NY primary mainly to be able to say I was a Bernie supporter when it came time to encourage this group to be for Hillary. Now I am not sure I will be for Hillary because I am just as revolted by her mindlessness as I am by Trump’s objective liabilities.

Which include:

Supreme Court appts.

The Wall.

Mob Behavior by his Yahoos.

and all other predictable disasters of a Trump Presidency.

The Best Case would be that Trump would prove genuinely unelectable and sweep the entire GOP Senate and Congress out with him.

That Hillary would win and prove to be less hawkish than she is.

And that people like Tim Kaine and Sherrod Brown and the female Senators would guide the country to some semblance of sanity.

If that is what happens Hillary will have Trump to thank.

What Else Could Donald Trump Do to Feather his Presidential Nest? UPDATED UPDATED

24 February

So now my old Nevada home is Trump’s nail driven into the COFFIN of the GOP. Who Trump is and what he will do will now become the text of the next seven months. The GOP will flail with its burden of sin weighing down as the months progress. The Democrats will nominate Hillary and she will be the centrist candidate that the secret centrists of the GOP vote for. And Trump will have been seen as POWER that any person could have with the correct awareness of inherent capacity. What this is all about, you see, is anthropology. What people like in Trump is what they see as honesty and humanity. They are in fact watching the denouement, the revealing, of a moral evolution. My writings here are of a piece and they all point in the same direction. All I can think of in the wake of Nevada is the Scarlet Pimpernel:

We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel

The fop as future?

That is too simple. I shall make this post my political diary of Pimpernel’s Progress.

Below the October 21, 2015 ORIGINAL with first UPDATE

I am on to Trump. Always have been. You need to be a New Yorker and a few other things, but this ISN’T about me!

Right now our erstwhile preppie is garnering free publicity by doing things that would make Hunter Thompson give up drugs in sheer envy and roust Ken Kesey from whatever bus he may be on.

So far:

Donald Trump has killed Jeb with truths so obvious that it is eventually going to be painful to witness the collapse of W’s younger bro, the good one, remember? Even after his mini-NH bounce, Jeb is facing potential doom in SC.

Barbara? After NH?

Most likely contemplating Trumpicide.

So what else has Donald done to keep the pot boiling?

The biggest thing has been to open up the Bush-Iraq fiasco. I am waiting for High Noon come Monday when W shows up in SC.

Trump correctly opposed the War, like Obama. He blames debt and disaster on W and Company.

What more could one want?

Still Donald has to get out from under his bread and butter idiocy that no one accepts, save the un-majority that loves him.

But I have good news for Donald. The media will take care of that for him.

The cleanup is beginning as we speak. It is called. “He really didn’t mean it.”

Too bad Jeb could not have said that about W.

Stephen C. Rose is the author of SILENT REVOLUTION. He writes daily on Medium . His books are available on Kindle . Twitter is the center of his activities online.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!