Mystery Is Reality

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2017


We err when we reduce reality

Reality is all

This is the revolution

we are in


It explains some

conundrums of our time

It is the explanation of

all time


Mystery is what’s imagined

but not known

Mystery sits before us

sometimes seen but mainly not

All that lies inside our mind

that we cannot perceive

and all beyond that we will never know


Mystery is more than



Mystery is what we chip away at

via science

add other methodologies

all fallible


There is a song

‘let mystery be’

That’s good advice

It paves the way to see

our fallibility


Embrace continuity

Reject binary


Trump is a binarist

His thinks in binary

sees but two sides

misses the triad


Mirrors past history


The global universalism

Trump and others despise

is hospitable

to the triadic

Conflict is subsumed

in humility

before pervasive mystery


Where people repent of pretensions

to knowledge

and knowing is experienced by daily


and daily embrace

Where love and freedom

are the height of



Make no mistake

It’s coming

It has always been here

It is why we progress

Do not devalue




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!