Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readAug 13, 2021



Many experience near death

And tell of it

But there are also Spirits

By which I mean those

Who have died

And who reside in heaven

What interests me is

The enthusiasm of near death experiencers

And the everyday, almost prosaic

Yet underneath it all, amazing

Talk of Spirits


A word about sources

(I mean where do I hear these sorts)

Here online, no admission, free

NDEs all over, lately Jeff Mara

Spirits mainly MartiniZone

And squibs from here and there

My impressions are my own

For what they might be worth


If I am right, a substantial part of Heaven

May consist of Spirits who do exactly what

We would do if we could learn to think with heart intention

And know our thought would instantly manifest

A substantial part of NDE narratives

Are about what goes on in the anterooms of Heaven

And in the transits to and from


I wish there were more folk

Like Richard Martini, who might do things as he does

Find a giving Spirit you know who will organize a school made up of

Those who want to be interviewed

Today it was Janis Joplin

Richard teams up with a medium named Jennifer Shaffer

Who uses images sent to her to infer responses to Richard’s questions

A number of additional presentations in this mode would do much

To widen the presentation of Heaven that is clearly underway today


Spirits are much like us and probably are occupied with their

Superior capacity to see Reality with a capital R

The realm of Love and Freedom

I assume Spirits are driven by affinity socially, as we tend to be

Some will be motivated to ascend to higher frequencies

Some will be happy plying life on more familiar planes

Many will return to life

I surmise

The number and reasoning puzzle me

I am not a Medium

My experience is definitely odd

Three stratospheric Guides in an earthbound body

I do hope some of what I say passes muster with readers



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!