No. Give Me A Break

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2015


We shy away from truths we hold in time

Let me address this because it is only fair to substantiate my original note with precise arguments. The betrayal of PBO took place on the night of his inaugural. I am assuming that David Plouffe would have been aware of this and that instead of allowing the story to molder under the radar for at least a year or two, it could have encouraged my hypothetical DUO to completely change the initial faux naivete vis a vis the GOP to an immediate confrontation by name of the GOP leaders who intended to oppose him at every opportunity regardless.

I do not know what the best course would have been. Had I known I would have suggested that I and not DP be in the position of number one adviser.

My guess is that anything but acting as though truth was not truth would have been helpful.

DP would not have prevented birtherism but I suspect he could have helped resolve the issue so it did not gain the traction it did.

Look, I am not trying to say that DP is magic. Only that I advocated then and think now that things could have been done very differently at the start of the Obama years.

The achievements of those and subsequent years are ample testimony to what I suspect will ultimately be seen as a successful Presidency that faced almost insurmountable odds.

Individuals make a much greater difference in the scheme of things than we tend to believe. And the maxim about two or three gathered is true whether for good or ill.

I suspect credulity is strained by my conjecture but I doubt that those who are incredulous were any more active than I in opposing the original conspiracy. . That was a shameful betrayal of the truth by all but a handful of people whose efforts proved to be in vain.

Spoiler alert: I also think LBJ was not the great President he is now reputed to be. I think that his 1964 campaign lie of no wider war is the context in which he should and will ultimately be viewed, once the Caro buzz fades.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!