Of ice cream and fingers

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readAug 25, 2017


Save for the lactose intolerant

all seem to like ice cream

especially in summer in a time of

global warming


How long we will have it

(the ice cream)

is anyone’s guess


Big oil might implode for

short term profit

Ice cream might be moot




Nonetheless I will share my

wisdom on how best to consume

ice cream


First do not share it

You could

but then this would not apply

I am speaking of a round cardboard container



probably a half a gallon

of vanilla slow churned ice cream

from someone named Edy

I suppose it could be some other kind

but I write from experience

so you will need to adapt

or adopt

in the event you need help


My thesis is that because I advocate using the

finger as a device for extracting ice cream

that half gallon will be mine alone

Oh I suppose an intimate

with whom internal juices are shared

in myriad ways

would be welcome in this venture

But it turns out that

in my life

my intimate has

no interest whatsoever in ice cream

Or at least not in this half gallon


The reason for using the finger

is an agreement with oneself

to actually eat the stuff in the first place

Since almost everyone is pre-diabetic these days

consumption of sugar is

a lethal form of idiocy

On the other hand

without such idiocy there would be

little pleasure

and less reason for writing

which is the actual pleasure

Getting words down

Crowing (I believe) is the word


Anyway there is a limit to the amount of ice cream

you can extract with a single groping finger

With skill you can control the volume

so you get between a dollop and a chunk

That is about the size of it


Your health regimen requires that

the half gallon last for as long as a month

You cannot spend all your hours

contemplating the next dollop

I certainly don’t


I am old enough now to feel

entirely at ease in sharing such

injurious autobiographical facts

I fully expect others have similar tales

of equally noxious hidden habits

Have no fear

There will be no reprisals



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!