One can be a realist and a relativist

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


One can be a realist and a relativist in the following way.

Let us say a realist believes that reality is all, that is to say cannot be transcended.

Let us say we agree with Peirce that we are all fallible.

Let us say we agree with Ken Wilber that we are a spectrum from worst to best.

Let us say we make decisions along a similar spectrum.

There is no way that relativism cannot be in play in the realms of ethics and aesthetics.

But one is perfectly justified in believing that there are indeed the makings of realism in the structure of reality — to wit the ideals to which the values point and those elements of reality we might designate as ontological.

Stephen C. Rose writes daily. Medium is his drafting board. Kindle his marketplace. You the reader his hopeful supporter. He promotes his thought and art on Twitter and has his own publication on Medium calledEverything Comes which any new writer can join on the way to finding his or her way. Drafts of his fiction completed and in progress can be found onCoffeeliciouswhich is also a Medium publication.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!