
Open Borders

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


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Having nothing better to do

I continue this suggestion

of 50 Policies for an Ideal world

A funny thing is happening in a nation that has its share of nativist claptrap — aka anti-immigration chatter, sometimes abetted by anti-immigrant behavior. We call that evil, by the way.

People are going home.

Yes, people who came here in hope, and perhaps gained some positive things while here, are heading home. Because that is, for many, still where the heart is.

The point is that people need to be able to move and that we should not jump to conclusions.

What we need to do instead is open every last border in the world and allow free access to all places that are public and provisional access to every place that is semi-public, and potential access to places that are semi-private and the right to live in space that is entirely private.

These gradations of privacy are explained in my Kindle-book Cybercommmunities. The reason there are fifty policies for an ideal world is because we need all fifty to create what is possible, decent and universal.


Open borders, free access, and above all the right to go back and forth, all these come under the heading of a policy needed sooner than later.

We cannot have a world in which seas and oceans are graveyards for poor souls without a home.

We need to move beyond irrational fears and inaccurate analyses.

For example, we say things are too crowded, because we experience the realities of congested living in our sprawl culture.

Do you know what the population density of the US is?

Around 100 per square mile.

Do you know how many people can live comfortably within a square mile that is one eighth the density of Manhattan?

Up to 12,000. Car free, walkable, on four or less levels.

The pictures we see of hordes of refugees should be a slap to the side of our thick heads.

We do not need this.

We are one people.

Our destiny is global community.

Escapism only delays the teleological reality from coming into being. Look into the conscience of humanity. You say the heart is poisonous, sinful, beyond hope. Not so.

What is in every person is a light that will shine ever brighter when a person thinks about who he or she is. They will find a spectrum of values there. They will encounter decency, tolerance, helpfulness, democracy. They will realize that their attitude is something within their power to choose. This is stupendous. Free. Loving. Grasp it and open the borders and boundaries that hobble today’s world.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!