Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


A Spiritual tote bag is a must

Use it to carry key-words in your mind

Narrowed down to things you always use

Uniquely yours — the wondrous words you find


I have the following in my tote bag

My mood changers are “bliss”, “joy”, “freedom”, “love”

If I an feeling down I repeat them

Solace and cheer will rain down from above


“Royal Rising” works for standing up

“Freely Flying” is how Heaven transit is

“Happy landing” signals happy journey

My daily motions start when I say this


My stalwart winners can be used always

They are “Love Power” and “Love Energy”

They can be used in every life context

They speak of how all life is meant to be


Make up a tote bag of what speaks to you

You can share yours here as a comment

Anything you repeat over time

Reminding us that we are Heaven sent

Do it Yourself I must always remind myself that DIY is what I am about. No one can tell another what works best. I do this because I am compelled. Compelled to recognize the utter uniqueness of every life. This is the vision of Heaven as I take it to be.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!