Paper News Will Disappear

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Of late I’ve taken to commenting on NYT pieces. Here is one such.

The Future of the Times: A View From the Top

Stephen C. Rose

New York City 14 minutes ago

It’s inevitable, I guess, that paper news will disappear due to costs and falling ad revenue. So it is encouraging to think the NYT could have an online audience with numerical heft. But my essential criticism of the Times has little to do with this change. I feel the Times has forever been a sort of primer for the upwardly mobile and, as such, has bought into the general drift of our corporate-military-entitled world. I choose my hyphenated triad carefully. I see T Magazine as the flagship of this thrust. The current crisis has to do precisely with the way this divides the world. The ignored issues that result relate to violence and its continuation as an accceptable choice, spirituality and a delicate movement away from untenable religion and an honest admission that our future involves the end of a corporate growth investment model on which the Times and more of the rest of us depends. We are all going to have to move to break down this divide between an untenable past and a choosable future and find a way that takes the best of what we have and makes it available to all.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!