Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readMar 6, 2022


Two persons

One male

One female

All alone in frozen wilderness

Wrecked there

They have now to make their way through barren, snowy covered land

But there is hope

They think there’s a town 100 miles away


They do not have the same language

She’s ill

The plane he piloted is wrecked

It’s clear they need each other

She improves by helping him


That is a theme

Some challenges

I do not know what happens next


But things seem clear

They need each other

When two are three are gathered

Positive events take place


We survive depending this way

We may not crawl through snowy wastes

I have silent painless cancer cells

Growing, receding — we don’t know

I check it out every three months

Comfort is community

In city flat or remote snow

Wherever sympathy can flow

It matters not where we may be


Conflict shapes identity

But we are much the same

Overcoming is our story

Earth is everybody’s stage


And yet our lives come to an end

And we live on

In Spirit form

We have new eyes

And we fly free

In realms we see as Heavenly


This movie will end happily

So I surmise

No matter how hard challenges may be

How we come out depends on how we see


And at the end of our Reality

We’re said to end up living blissfully

Can it be so

Growing evidence says yes

Then all are Souls

It seems the case

Then life is learning

Heaven’s ways

I did watch the movie through. I think it’s titled Snow Walker. Free on YouTube.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!