
Post Police

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2015


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There is a role for policing and police.

It is the prevention and control and expert handling of violent behavior.

I am positing this in a future that is possible, but not yet.

I am going to suggest that we evolve — in our cybercommunities of the future — to Security.

We should see Policing as a last resort.

In a sense we already have this distinction. But both professions — policing and security — need radical upgrading.

Policing should ultimately be the replacement for what we now call the Military.

A radical reduction in the power of nation states, a radical paring down of military outlays, will not mean the end of the need for protection from harm.

But cybercommunities create an environment that diminishes the prospects of violent behavior and make an evolved Security function adequate to deal with things on a day to day basis.

Security professionals will be trained not only as first responders and counselors.

They will be representatives of the Town Halls. Town Halls are the governance outposts of cybercommunities.

Kiosks exist at the center of radiating 200 foot streets will be mini-Town Halls. They will be staffed by Security professionals who live in the community. These folk will be able to offer all manner of help.

They can also alert police if necessary.

We are talking about jobs and the organization of security. Not a 1984 Big Brother operation.

Think Jane Jacobs eyes on the street.

This line of thinking is obvious to anyone who imagines a car-free environment where people choose to live, work, recreate, worship and have their being.

So far is this from the world we see reflected in every ad and every film and therefore in our own self-sense that it may take a visit to urban areas that were once car-free even to imagine the difference that having no cars will make.

There will be a world for those who wish to maintain their sprawl existence. But it will become modest enough not to imperil the entire globe

Security will supplant Police.

Police will supplant Military.

Self respect and critical thinking will outbalance selfishness and mindlessness.

These are the nudges that can make the difference between garrison states and a world of cybercommunities.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!