Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2021


We make progress on ENDING WAR in only one way.

By volition, will, intent. These are the prods of consciousness.

The rewards are intuition and imagination.

How many individual minds, each with a light more powerful than we can imagine, are focused on ending war, volunteering to end war, intending to end war with all the will in the words “Thy will be done”?

The will the prayer refers to is all the minds of all the souls in the Cosmos. These minds are given the freedom to close their eyes and let Reality take its course. That is called apathy. It is not judged. Love is universal all the way up and down the spectrum.

When we say “Thy will be done” and we are wanting with all our heart and mind to end war, we are getting an infinite boost that magnifies our effect.

It matters ultimately that this comes down to us. Not organizations. Nothing but pure intentional thought, one by one. No leaders. No messiahs. No groupthink. Sovereign Souls presuming on Consciousness to make a wave made up of the droplets we are. Growing. Growing. When one, then two, then three message the self-explanatory imperative END WAR.

The organizations exist already. What is new about this is the simple evocation of Soul power. You watch. It does not fool around with little objectives. It moves with the natural evolution of the Cosmos when the minds of all the Souls there (all who are no longer here) say ENOUGH and the consensus is to try again to make Soul power dominant on earth.

And we know how that works. Democracy. When a certain number of us send messages to END WAR everywhere we can, a wider ripple forms and morphs into further ripples where no pebbles are tossed. Ripples are generated invisibly like Heaven is.

Your progress report s complete for now. We are in motion.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!