This is the root of all values — it has been so forever but has never even been considered as a virtue — a revolution in a single world

PUKE another Panflick Novella

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The third installment of the remarkable history of Adam Panflick. The most amazing beginning features a brick-shaped, luminescent regurgitation on an oriental rug followed by a betrayal in what used to be the Plaza Hotel. Yes we are still in Manhattan. Adam is homesick for the wrong home, saves his brother’s life, is conned and reaches a true abyss. He allays growing unhappiness with two staples: radio (which in the 1940s was hopping) and music. He gets his first guitar. Then finds and loses a friend. A transition from the hopeful to life more or less as a snail.

Somehow yesterday I was able to include more information. I am still banished from Twitter so bear with. These Panflick bio-memoir-novellas are inexpensive reads that people look down upon because they are ebooks — but they read as easily as anything else on a Kindle or any other device.

You can check it out below.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!